Happy World Homeless Day (2025) Wishes, Quotes, Status to Share

Published:Dec 25, 202422:38
Updated on:Dec 25, 2024
Happy World Homeless Day (2025) Wishes, Quotes, Status to Share
Happy World Homeless Day||World Homeless Day|||

Happy World Homeless Day (2025) Wishes, Quotes, Greetings, Posters, Status to Share : Every year World Homeless Day is celebrated on 10 October to spread awareness about the people who are homeless and spend their live on the roads. This is the day that focuses on the people's routine life and essential requirements. On the special day volunteers and activists provide opportunities for communities who are totally living their life along the roadside without their homes. Food, Clothes and Home are three basic requirements of those every citizen right. To promote these major requirements every year World Homeless Day every year is celebrated on 10 October and first time this special day is celebrated in 2010. Homelessness is the situation in which condition people face lacking the stable life, and lack of housing. All the people who live on streets, shelter on railway junctions, footpaths, and have no permanent house and toilets are considered in Homelessness category and the core purpose to celebrate this day is to provide people the house amenities for such people. So friends, here are Happy World Homeless Day (2025) Wishes, Quotes, Greetings, Posters, Status that you can share with your friends and close one's.

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World Homeless Day 2025

Event World Homeless Day 2025
Type Lifestyle awareness
Date 10 October
Frequency annual
Motive to celebrate To provide homelessness people their own home, and essential amenities to live
1st time observation 2010
Homeless population 150 million in world
Hashtags of Day #worldhomelessday

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World Homeless Day 2025 Quotes, Wishes, Greetings

World Homeless Day QUOTES

"Be live on roadsides is the symbol of homelessness, it is the greatest irony of life that people live without homes on footpaths in rain, storm, hot every season."

World Homeless Day

"Poverty is the state of person, and a ideal government should make effort to provide shelter people who do not have amenities of home."

World Homeless Day images

"You can spend your little money to provide home those people who are living their life on roads and footpaths."

World Homeless Day message

"They are neither educated nor skill to buy a home, but they are human beings, and they have right to live with their homes."

World Homeless Day quote

"A true citizen should accept the poverty life of a persona and also provide shelter to homelessness people."

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How you can Help a Homeless Person

  • To index the list of your nearest colonies' homeless people and provide it the local authorities.
  • To write a letter to local M.L.A. and M.P.
  • To collect some fund for homeless persons.
  • To provide a list of people to a charity and N.G.O.

Five Hidden Facts about World Homeless Day

  • There are 100 million people across world were homeless, and as many as one billion people (one in 6.5 at the time) live as squatters, refugees.
  • A person who is living without toilets and roofless is listed in Homeless category.
  • The persons who are living without home, have mental health problems.
  • It reduces life expectancy.

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On which date World Homeless Day is observed every year ?

Every year World Homeless Day is celebrated on 10 October to provide shelter the homeless citizens worldwide.

What are number of population of homeless ?

According to U.N. data there are 100 millions people who are living their life without homes on roadside and footpaths as a refugee.

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