Retirement is an immense achievement in a person’s life. This new season is marked with set apart with excitement and perhaps a little vulnerability. A lifetime of planning goes into this changing decision, and indeed it’s a reason for celebration. If you know someone retiring, send them retiring gift with inspirational retirement quotes.
Sometimes it’s hard to find the right word for say goodbye to a colleague. To help you write perfect retirement card messages, we compiled a list of retirement quotes, Funny Retirement Quotes, Happy Retirement Quotes or Retirement Sayings. Whether you want to inspire them with fun, there is sure to be the perfect sentiment for you!
If you're looking for heartfelt retirement gifts for mom, we've curated a list of thoughtful and meaningful options that will show your appreciation for her years of hard work and dedication.
Happy Retirement Quotes

"Don't act your age in retirement. Act like the inner young person you have always been." –J. A. West
"Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else." –Fred Rogers
Retirement: That's when you return from work one day and say, “Hi, Honey, I'm home — forever."
–Gene Perret
"Retire from work, but not from life." –M.K. Soni

"For many, retirement is a time for personal growth, which becomes the path to greater freedom. " –Robert Delamontague
"Working people have a lot of bad habits, but the worst of these is work." –Clarence Darrow
"For retirement brings repose, and repose allows a kindly judgment of all things." –John Sharp Williams
Retirement Quotes for Your Boss

"Retirement is when you switch bosses from the one who hired you to the one who married you."– Gene Perret
"Enjoy every day and don’t forget us!, unfortunately we will be here for awhile! Kate Summers"

"A good manager is a man who isn’t worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who work for him."– H. S. M. Burns
"A good boss realizes that they can also learn from those they work with no matter the level, title or position. Learning is a continuous habit and is one of the best lessons demonstrated by a good boss."– Byron Pulsifer
"We have had many good times, and now as you retire you will make new memories." –Unknown
"The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm."– C. Maxwell
Funny Retirement Quotes

"I’m not just retiring from the company, I’m also retiring from my stress, my commute, My alarm clock, and my iron." –Hartman Jule
"My father calls acting ‘a state of permanent retirement with short spurts of work. " –Chris Pine
"I’ve been attending lots of seminars in my retirement. They’re called naps." –Harry Emerson Fosdick
"Retirement, we understand, is great if you are busy, rich and healthy. But then, under those conditions, work is great too. " –Bill Vaughan
"A lot of our friends complain about their retirement. We tell 'em to get a life."

"A retired husband is often a wife's full-time job. " –Ella Harris
"Retirement is wonderful. It’s doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it." –Gene Perret
"The concept of freedom is never truly realized until one settles into retirement mode." –A. Major
"People are always asking me when I’m going to retire. Why should I? I’ve got it two ways. I’m still making movies, and I’m a senior citizen, so I can see myself at half price." –George Burns
"There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working." –Robert Half

"When some people retire, it's going to be mighty hard to be able to tell the difference." –Virginia Graham
"When a man retires and time is no longer a matter of urgent importance, his colleagues generally present him with a watch. " –R C Sherrif
"Retired people compliment my teeth, then tell me to take care of them. This always makes me think they are trying to steal them. " –Emily Claire Tamblyn
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. " –Bill Waterson
"Retirement: It’s nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get along with less cheese. " –Gene Perret
"I have never liked working. To me a job is an invasion of privacy."
Retirement Quotes for Teachers

"The best teacher lodges an intent not in the mind but in the heart." Anne Michaels
"A teacher is one who makes two ideas grow where only one grew before." Elbert Hubbard
"I’m not a teacher: only a fellow-traveller of whom you asked the way. I pointed ahead- ahead of myself as well as you." George Bernard Shaw
"What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches." Karl Menninger
"The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate apparently ordinary people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people." K. Patricia Cross
"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." Henry Brooks Adams

"There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly." –Lola May
"The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer." –Alice Rollins
"I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well." –Alexander of Macedon
"The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist." –Maria Montessori
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates." –The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward
"One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child." – Carl Jung
Retirement Sayings

- Someone once said, There are two good reasons to be a teacher — July and August. In fact, there are three good reasons to be a teacher. The third reason is retirement.
- Throughout your career, you have been someone’s boss. Retirement is your chance to be your own.
- We have had many good times, and now as you retire you will make new memories.
- He who laughs last at the boss’s jokes probably isn’t far from retirement.
- The challenge to retirement is spending more time without spending more money.
- Retirement is when you start working at living and quit living at work.
- Retiring from work does not mean retiring from life! It is just the beginning, not the end!
- Happy days are here, at last, the days of nine to five are passed, you’ve worked your life and paid your dues, now you can do just what you choose!
- The company gave me an aptitude test and I found out the best work I was best suited for was a retirement
- Thank you for treating me so good, I know I’m new but you treated me like family and for that, I will never forget you! Enjoy your retirement, I can tell you’ve earned it.
- I can’t imagine walking into the office and not seeing your face. Thank you for every single second you’ve spent with our team. It is truly appreciated!
- Just because you’re retired doesn’t mean you can’t stop by the office every once and a while for a chat. Don’t be a stranger!
- The fun finally begins after retirement! Congratulations on reaching your retirement goal.
- You’ve worked hard over the years! Glad to finally see you getting to take a break for a while.
- When someone as wonderful as you finally get to retire it makes my heart melt! Congrats and all the best to your relaxing years ahead!
- You will always be remembered for your accomplishments. Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication to our team, and congrats on your retirement!
- You’ve worked your entire life for this day, you deserve it, and all the best for a happy retirement!
- Thank you for being an amazing example for me and our team. Your dedication and hard work are really inspiring! I will never forget you for that! Enjoy your retirement!
- Thank you for always challenging us to become the best at what we do. Congrats on your retirement!

Retirement is an outstanding achievement for who work for their entire life. Sending inspirational retirement quotes and sayings to the retired person could add some extra fun on their happy moment. Try these funny retirement quotes and sayings to wish a happy retirement. You may send these messages with a card.