International Girl Child Day: is marked every year on 24th January. It is a day dedicated to amplifying the voices of the girl child and stand up for the rights. The theme of this year is “spread public awareness about inequities that girls face in Indian society”, let’s seize the opportunity to remerging a better world inspired by adolescent girls. Theme focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls empowerment for future.
History and because I am a girl campaign-
To spread awareness and to preserve rights of girls first idea grew out of plan International’s ‘because I am a girl’ campaign which was successfully implemented in Canada. On December 19, 2011 the United Nation General Assembly passed a bill to celebrate 11 October as a Girl Child Day. Aim to celebrate this day is to abolish gender gap, empower girls in various fields and give to respective message about girls in society.
Inspiring girls who changed the world-
- Kalpana Chawala- First woman of Indian origin to become an astronaut.
- Anne Frank- Jewish Author of the best-selling book- The Diary of a Young girl.
- Mother Teresa- Famous symbol of love and care who won Noble Prize in 1979.
- Marie Curie- first radioactive scientist to win a Noble prize in 1911.
- Rosa Parks- First civil rights activist of against African-American racism.
- Kiran Bedi- first woman Indian IPS officer in 1972.
- J.K. Rowling- Author of the most loved Harry potter series with 450 million copies sold.
- Malala Yousafzai- Nobel prize winner 11 year Pak girl who fight right to education.
- Harper Lee- Most beloved authors of Pulitzer Prize winning.
Challenges of being a woman-
There are many challenges which faced by women and girls in different countries.
- Acid throwing
- Child marriage
- Domestic violence
- Dowry
- Female infanticide and sex-selective abortion
- Honor killings
- Accusations of witchcraft
Why we should respect a girl?
- Because a women sacrifices a lot of her life for men.
- According a study women play role better than men.
- They give up their paternal home to take a responsibility.
- There is no holiday in the life of a house maker girl.
- Mostly women do not have physical strength compare men but have more responsibility than a man.
Save Girl Child Slogans

- Daughters are flowers that are forever in bloom
- GIRL means Gift In Real Life
- Girl Is Like A Butterfly, Then Why Making Them Cry!
- Women are wonderful!
- Girls are giggles with freckles all over them
- A baby girl is one of the god’s most precious gifts
- No girl – so, no mother – ultimately no life
- Little Girls are Heavens Flowers
- They are graceful!
- Daughter is a daughter for life
- Be bold to stop violence. Show your concern for the girl child
- Care, because she does it selflessly
- Joy at every stage, Welcome the baby girl
- Save the future mothers and grandmothers. Save Girls
- Don’t be cold, Girls are worth more than gold!
- Save Girl Child “Think a World without Us”
- Girls Are Great, Don’T Destroy Their Fate
- Girls smile is fading
- A Daughter Is One Of The Most Beautiful Gifts
- Girls are not emails so don’t delete them
- Save the cheerleader, save the world
- Girls are angels, save them
- We will certainly need mothers
- A Girl Child Brings Joy, She Is No Less Than A Boy
- Pretty dresses Little Curls, Oh thank heaven for little girls!
- Our Daughter Is The Knot That Ties The Family Together
- Save The Future Mothers And Grandmothers. Save Girls!
- Graver Favor! Please help us save the girl!
- Save the Girl from the Grave
- Girls You Can’t Replace, Their Future Don’t Erase
- When you kill a girl, you kill many others
- Don’t Let Their Lives End Before It Even Begins
- Listen my cry, let me go to fulfill my dreams
- Save the girl child or think of world without them
- Girls you Should Embrace, Their Future Don’t Erase
- Daughter, a most beautiful gift from the GOD
Save girl child sayings

Every Man Needs a Mother, Wife, Sister Then Why Not a Daughter?
Man thinks he is a “HERO” but if he kills “HER” he’ll just remain a “O”
A Female Has the Right to Her Body, Even If She’s Still in The Womb
Should mother, should sister, should wife – then why shouldn’t daughter?
For the betterment of the future life, Save girl child,make future bright
Don’t let a girl part from a mothers hold, they are worth way more than gold
They have compassion and concern for fellow beings!
Daughters Are ANGLES Sent from Above to Fill Our HEART with Unending LOVE
They should be appreciated, admired, respected!
National girl child day quotes

"An educated woman has the power to educate her entire family."
"Save and respect girl child, as she is the future of your family and society. Wishing everyone a Happy Girl Child Day."
"Every guy needs a girl and a mother! If you kill all the girls, will you marry your own brother? Save female children on National Girl Child Day 2023."

"This National Girl Child Day, give your girls the wings to fly and not the pain to cry and die."
"This National Girl Child Day, be proud of a girl child. They are the ones who are made up of courage, determination, sacrifice, commitment, talent and love."
"A girl child is a pride and the future of the nation. Empowering your girl child means empowering your future."

"Don't let the life end, before it even begins. Save Girl Child!"
"Even a little girl is capable of encouraging and empowering society. Happy National Girl Child Day."
"A friend, a sister, a wife, a mother, a daughter. When you kill one girl child, you kill the entire generation."
International girl child day quotes in hindi
बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ

जिस घर में होता बेटी का सम्मान,
वह घर होता स्वर्ग समान ।
राष्ट्र को प्रगति के रास्ते हो ले जाना,
नारी को बराबरी का दर्जा होगा देना ।

बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ,
समाज को प्रगति के रास्ते ले जाओ ।
बेटी है स्वर्ग की सीढ़ी, वह पढ़ेगी ,
तो बढ़ेगी अगली पीढ़ी ।