Mahendra Singh Dhoni, an ordinary boy from Jharkhand took his smartness, with his effort, to a whole new level. This boy from Jharkhand has saved Indian Cricket Team from losses on numerous occasions. Today on his birthday we had collected his inspirational thoughts. Read these Mahendra Singh Dhoni Quotes which will inspire you a lot.
Full Name Mahendra Singh Pansingh Dhoni Nick Name Mahi, MSD, Captain Cool, Thala Birth July 7, 1981 (Ranchi, Bihar) Age 39years Height 1.78 m Profession Indian International Cricketer Nationality Indian Wife Sakshi Dhoni Daughter Ziva Dhoni Style Right-handed (batting) Right-arm medium (bowling) Movies M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016 movie) Roar of the Lion (2019 web series)
MS Dhoni: Personal Life
Before marrying his schoolmate Sakshi Singh Rawat, MS Dhoni fell in love with Priyanka Jha, whom he met in his early 20s. At that time in the year 2002, Dhoni was trying his best to get selected in the Indian team. The same year, his girlfriend died in an accident. Dhoni also dated South Indian actress, Lakshmi Rai. Mahendra Singh Dhoni married Sakshi Singh Rawat, his school friend from DAV Jawahar Vidya Mandir, on July 4, 2010. At the time of their marriage, Sakshi was studying a hotel management course at Taj Bengal in Kolkata as a trainee. [adace-ad id="6046"]
On February 6, 2015, the couple gave birth to a baby girl named Ziva. At this time, he was in Australia and 2015 Cricket World Cup was a week later. He didn't travel back and quoted 'I am on national duty, other things can wait'.
Having many fans, Dhoni wrote a lot of quotes for them, so that they can read and enjoy them in their free time. Below, you can find some of the best and most precious Mahendra Singh Dhoni Quotes.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni Quotes
[adace-ad id="6046"]If you are a Mahi lover, then these Dhoni Quotes will inspire you. Read these inspirational quotes to prove yourself, #doWhatYouLove.
“It’s important to learn and not repeat the same mistakes. What’s done is done.”
― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“I never allow myself to be pressured.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
[adace-ad id="6046"]“Take Action In Silence, No Lion Attacks In Noise.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“I don’t mind repeating everything.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“I believe in giving more than 100% on the field, and I don’t worry about the result if there’s a great commitment on the field. That’s a victory for me.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
[adace-ad id="6046"]I am in the hands of Deori Maa. Every time I come to Ranchi, I visit her temple. I still remember my first visit. ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better then I used to be.”― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“One Day Reality Will Be Better Than Your Dreams.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
If you don’t really have a dream, you can’t really push yourself; you don’t really know what the target is. ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“Forget Fear, Do Something Different.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“When you Die, You Die. You don’t think which is the better way to Die.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“What Doesn’t Kill You, Make You Strong.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“I want people to remember me as a Good Person, Not as a Good Cricketer.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“I am always the one who is responsible for anything bad that happens in Indian cricket. Everything that happens is because of me.”― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“The era of playing aggressive cricket and to have the mid-on up is gone. You now try to read the mindset of a batsman.”― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
[adace-ad id="6046"]“I have three dogs at home. Even after losing a series or winning a series, they treat me the same way.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
"You Don’t Play For The Crowd, You Play For The Country."― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“I love my country. I tell my wife she is only the third most important thing after my country and my parents, in that order.”― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Good things are meant to be rep― Mahendra Singh Dhonieated! We can always have the same mantra of success presented in different forms. So don’t sit back! Work! Play! Repeat!― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
“I Don’t Regret Anything In Life. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.”― Mahendra Singh Dhoni
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