World-first aid day annual observed 12 September by the International Redcross Society to preserve life people to quick and correct help that can be given when anyone is sick or hurt. It is an emergency the first few minutes are crucial and the basic know-how of what to do and what not to do can make a huge difference in saving a life. Basically to provide this facility we use a first Aid Box in our home, travel vehicles, playground, and other requirement fields. [adace-ad id="6046"]
Past era and significance of First Aid Day-

First idea to implement this service came in to Henry Durant mind when the battle of Soleferino happened in 1859.During the battle many soldiers and innocent people injured and wounded and it causes the formation of International Red Cross society who was the father of First Aid Day. [adace-ad id="6046"]
Aims and Achievements of first aid day-
- First of all The First Aid aim was, to save and preserve life people and provide facilities at home.
- This is a panacea and treatment facility which can recuperate a man before going medical center.
- It is also promote recovery process however cannot be compared with a trained medical professional provide.
What will be equipment require in First Aid Box-
- Gauze roll for bandaging.
- Antiseptic lotion to clean the wound.
- Adhesive tapes.
- Triangular bandage.
- Scissor to cut clothes and cut the plasters etc.
So it be called that First aid day is a significant day to show humanity and appearance global kindness.
World First Aid Day Poster/Images