Sorry SMS to let your loved ones know how much their happiness means to you. A collection of the most interesting, original and creative Sorry SMS messages that can be shared with your near and dear ones. Explore a collection of free Sorry SMS filled with emotion, No matter how bad your fight is, a heartfelt Sorry SMS will bring things back to normal. you will be able to pick and choose the right Sorry note for your friends, lovers, relatives, or acquaintance based on the situation. Post these lovely Sorry SMS on Facebook and Twitter to let your friends know how highly you consider them. All these I am sorry SMS are crafted with immense thought and handpicked with attention to give you the best Sorry SMS Pack. Every message in this collection of thoughtful Sorry SMS will take you closer to the hearts of people who matter to you. So what are you waiting for? Pick a free mobile Sorry SMS and patch up instantly with anyone. Let no day be a day of regret!
Sorry Messages
I Know How Angry You Are & What You Must Be Going Through So I Hope , You Know How Sorry I Am For All That Happens Between Us. Please Forgive Me!
What I Did Was Foolish & Impulsive If I Cud Take It All Back I’d Do This So Instant I Truly Didn’t Mean To Hurt You In Any Way I’m Sorry For Hurting You!
Making The First Move To Patch Up Things, Shouldn’t Always Come From The One Who Made The Mistake But It Should Come From The One Who Understands!
Words Will Not Be Able To Ever Express How Sorry I Am For This, And I Have Profound Regret And Sorrow For The Multitude Of Mistakes And Harm I Have Caused!
I Don’t Know How To Make Things Better Between Us I Can Start By Saying I’m Sorry I Really Am!!
I hurt you… But I didn’t mean to… Please forgive me!
Grab a chance and you won’t be sorry for a might have been!
I feel sorry for someone who has to win at everything!
Tears are words the heart can’t express. I am Sorry!
Feeling sorry for yourself, and you present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have!
Play fair. Don’t hit people. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody!
Correct means always having to say you’re sorry!
I’m sorry you are wiser, I’m sorry you are taller; I liked you better foolish and I liked you better smaller!
You can make up a quarrel, but it will always show where it was patched!
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness!
The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology!
An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything!
Feeling sorry for yourself, and you present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have!
I don”t forgive people cause I”m weak I forgive them cause I”m strong enough to understand people make mistakes!
It takes a strong person to say sorry. And an ever stronger person to forgive!
How can I begin to say I am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I hope that you can forgive me. I am sorry!
Feeling sorry for yourself, and you present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have!
I forgave your broken promises, I forgave you from the start. But one thing I won’t forgive, Is your breaking of my heart!
I Don’t Know Quite How To Make Things Better Between Us I Can Start By Saying I’m Sorry I Really Am!
What I Did Was Foolish & Impulsive If I Cud Take It All Back I’d Do This So Instant I Truly Didn’t Mean To Hurt You In Any Way I’m Sorry For Hurting You!
I’m sorry may not mean that much to you, but it means a lifetime of our relationship to me! Please forgive me?
The pain is not on the time of missing our dears. The pain is really start when you live without them and
with their presence in your mind. May God bless those who lost their loved ones!
I have all ways made mistakes so has every one but my biggest mistake is letting you go and if you take me back I will never make a mistake as big as this one ever again. I AM SORRY!
I have committed a sin to make you sad, And am realizing that am very bad, So, please forgive me to lessen the grief, Your forgiveness will led to a relief, So please forgive me!
I don’t know quite how to make things better between us I can start by saying… I’m sorry.. I really am!
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault!
What’s done is done, Make room for the new, Forgive and forget, What has been done to you!
Refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison, And waiting for the other person to die!
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, Who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?
We love ourself even after making so many mistakes. Then how can we hate others 4 their small mistakes? Strange but true! So make habit of FORGIVING!