During a recent trip to Mumbai, popular singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh had a chance to meet British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. A video has been shared by Diljit Parmar of Sheeran's performance at the Mahalaxmi Race Course on Saturday evening in which the two met up. It was seen that both guests were interacting and dancing together on the 360-degree stage in an interactive manner.
The singer wore a denim jacket and jeans, while Sheeran wore a white T-shirt and black shorts to the event, while Diljit was dressed in a denim jacket and jeans. The caption on Diljit’s Instagram post read, “ONE LOVE.” Sheeran was in Mumbai as a part of his ‘+-=÷x’ Tour organised by BookMyShow Live.
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It was in Mumbai at Mahalaxmi Race Course, at the Mahalaxmi Race Course, that Diljit Dosanjh and Ed Sheeran met for the first time. There was a brief interaction between Sheeran and the two artists on stage during Sheeran's performance. There was great excitement among the fans as they watched the musicians interact with one another.