Terms of CBD Flower to Know About

Published:Nov 17, 202309:52
Terms of CBD Flower to Know About

Cannabis buds are very popular because they are non-intoxicating. Since the Farm Bill of 2018 was passed in December of the same year, users have been exploring the dried buds of hemp, which are excellent alternatives to marijuana. They keep the stress out, and they are very calming.

The buds come from the plant genus Cannabis sativa, and this is the same as marijuana. However, unlike the intoxicating strain of the cannabidiol’s cousin, THC, these buds don’t have any euphoric and psychotropic effects, and researchers have determined that they are way different from cannabis.

In some way, the buds that are infused with cannabidiol may look like marijuana that’s rich in THC. However, know that these varieties won’t mess with your cognitive and physical functions. This flower is the most efficient and cleanest way to consume organic cannabinoids from hemp plants without any side effects.

Some looking for alternatives to weed may smoke the dried cannabidiol buds, but there are also hemp nugs available as topicals or edibles. Even if the cannabis plants are used to make the CBD extracts, it takes a lot of knowledge, equipment, time, and money to produce and formulate them in your kitchen. Instead, you might be better off with the pre-rolls from time to time or vape where the smoke goes directly into your bloodstream, and you’ll feel the effects faster.

Terms to Know

  • Hemp Buds: The part of the cannabis plant where the cannabidiol is abundant
  • Pre-Rolls: Considered joints that look like cigarettes, but they don’t have nicotine and contains less than 0.3% THC
  • Terpenes: They lend flavors and oils that are naturally extracted from the hemp
  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids are like terpenes, but they add anti-oxidant effects to the body
  • Sativa-Dominant: This has an uplifting and energizing effect that’s ideal for mornings
  • Indica-Dominant: These contain relaxing and soothing effects where the terpenes can help you sleep at night

About the Buds

The cured and dried flowers of the sativa plants usually contain less than 0.3% THC. The strains are cured and dried, and they were initially bred to become CBD products. Contrary to the majority of people’s beliefs, marijuana and hemp actually came from the same plant, which is the Cannabis sativa. However, the difference between them is seen in their dominant cannabinoids. Learn more about the cannabinoids on this page

Know that there are small amounts of cannabidiol compounds in the plants. However, they may not be enough to make a difference. This is why the breeders and farmers started producing the strains with higher concentrations of cannabidiol to lessen the psychoactive effects of these dried buds.

What to Know with the Terpenes?

The terpenes are the aromatic part of the plant that will lend flavors and distinct smells to your joints and pre-rolls. 

Cannabis contains a lot of plant oils, and they may be classified into flavonoids, terpenes, or cannabinoids. Terpenes in the plants tend to lend a more potent aroma to the final product. 


  • Myrcene: This is a terpene that’s usually responsible for the cannabis’ dank smell. They are found in mangoes.
  • Caryophyllene: One of the more typical aromas in cannabis is caryophyllene. This smells like cloves and lends a woody scent to the buds.
  • Limonene: This is described as fruity aromas in citrus like lemons, limes, and oranges. Users would tell this as sharp.
  • Humulene: This is found in various types of deciduous trees with a woody and unique scent.
  • Pinene: The smell is that of a distinctive pine tree when it’s in season. The piney scent can remind one of the evergreens and other coniferous trees. 
  • Terpinolene: This is one of the mysterious smells because they lend various aromas in an all at once fashion.
  • Linalool: Linalool is described as an iconic aroma that has subtle floral hints. This is also present in lavender fields.

About the Flavors

  • Myrcene: The terpene may not taste much, but there’s dankness and slight hints of mangoes.
  • Caryophyllene: This is the spicy taste variety where your throat may become overwhelmed with its sensation. It feels like peppermint is taking over your mouth.
  • Pinene: Fortunately, pinene does not necessarily taste pine sap for lovers of pine trees and evergreens. Instead, it lends a minty or even earthy flavor to the CBD buds.
  • Limonene: This is somewhat expected to taste like citrus, but it has a relatively sweet hint that many users love.
  • Linalool: The crisp and light taste may resemble a lavender ice cream to the palates of many users. Along with the aroma, the light florals are certainly something that users enjoy.
  • Humulene: Humulene’s taste may be described as more on the earthier or grassy side. It has more of having a hops undertone which is common in many beers. Know what is humulene here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/humulene
  • Terpinolene: Many people say that terpinolene has fruity hints. Others may have a different thing to say where they are described as something herbal or floral.

The Effects

While the buds themselves are not as intoxicating as you may initially think, they can still get you to relax and soothe your anxiety. Therefore, you may consider taking them at night.

Since you’re inhaling them, they can easily be absorbed into your system and provide an almost instantaneous effect. Most of these products go directly into your lungs which are directly connected to your brain with the help of vessels. Their results may last from 30 minutes to an hour, and they can be very mild and enjoyable compared to marijuana. 

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